Jumat, 05 Juli 2019

Call Me Nanda

Hello everyone!

Let me tell you about my self. Yuniar Berlian Ananda Panjaitan is my very full name, then you can call me Nanda. I think my parents weren't the only one who gives their kids name with the name of a month. My parents give me Yuniar in my first name because I was born in June. It could be Juniar, right? But it is like a name for a man, because it sounds masculine, so they changed it into Yuniar. Berlian means a piece of precious jewelry which is expensive, so they don't need to save much more money to have a diamond, because they have me. Hahaha. I wasn't kidding with you. For sure, that's the reason why my parents named me with "Berlian". I don't know what is the meaning of Ananda, but my parents called me Nanda since I was a kid. And I love that little name. Panjaitan is from my father's name because my father is a Bataknese. My mom is Sundanese or Betawi (I'm not sure about this). She was born in Bekasi.

I was born in Tangerang, so I don't know much about Batak, Sunda and Betawi tradition. I am just I am who could speak Indonesia and learn to speak English a little so that I use English in this Introduction. It's not because I didn't love Bahasa, but I am trying to develop my self day by day. Correct me if I use the wrong tenses, sentences or words because I am still in my progress. I love to know you deeper, and you could know me deeper as well in my Instagram. I have many stories to tell. I can't wait to see you read my next story! I wish I can write this blog continuously, so I can share everything with you! Thank you!

3 komentar:

  1. Love your story, Mbak Nanda.
    I agree with you about learning to speak English.
    I was born in Tangerang, by the way :)

  2. Karena bahasa kalau gak di pake lama-lama ilang 😂. Btw it's beautiful name actually...😍

  3. Horas, sis!
    I'm from Medan actually, and I'm so happy to meet others Batakness :)
